Violette de Ayala is a Miami-Based
Entrepreneur, Speaker, Podcast Host
& Content Creator
+ Consultant and talent for hire with a focus on lifestyle, wellness and travel brands
+ Content creation for over 50, midlife and pro-aging women
+ Motivational, Leadership and Mindset International Speaker
My Background
I’ve been teaching programs, coaching and consulting for 30 years. I recently worked with Miami-Dade County Mayor’s Office and created a pilot program for their “Thrive 305” providing programming for over 70,000 Miami residents.
In addition, I have worked and been retained with the following brands: Royal Caribbean, United Healthcare, Peepers, Humana, Audible, Athena, Mark + Graham, Floor and Decor and Ogee.
Consultant + Teacher at Wake Tech College
Certified Trainer + Pilates Instructor
Founder of FemCity
Consultant + Talent for Hire