Accepting Your Age + Stretch Marks

There’s something about being on the cusp of turning 52 where you realize the stuff that embarrassed you in the past, the flaws you fixated on, the parts of you that are imperfect …. They become your favorites and the components you’re most proud of in the present.

So these scars, from birthing three humans, I’ve decided they’re beautiful and empowering.

Prior to turning 50, I would have never posted a photo of myself showing off these stretch marks.

I would have hidden away in shrouds of beach cover ups.

I’ve finally arrived at a place of full love and acceptance.

To embrace it all.
And in kindness.

I’m still evolving and releasing stories that never served me but yet I held on to for so long for comfort sake.

What’s that piece of yourself that holds you back emotionally or physically that needs to be tossed out?

What narrative no longer serves you?
And maybe never ever did serve you.

How much more love and grace can you give yourself?

I’m still growing, accepting and releasing.

We all have ways we can expand and grow.

And of course we can always add more kindness to others and ourselves.

Love you.


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